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Civil Bench Bar Meeting

A Civil Bench Bar meeting will be held Thursday, April 10, 2025, 12:15 p.m. --1:00 p.m. via Zoom: Seattle Courtroom E-301.

Civil Filings

In Court Motions

To request a date on the civil motions calendar, review the available dates on the calendars below, and email your request to the court clerks at: Requests MUST contain:

  • Case number(s)
  • Type of hearing requested
  • Requested hearing date and time

The clerks will respond via email to confirm if your requested hearing date and time are available and will provide you with additional details regarding the hearing.

East Division - Redmond Courthouse

8601 160th Ave. N.E. Redmond, WA 98052

South Division - Burien Courthouse

601 SW 149th St, Burien, WA 98166

West Division - Seattle Courthouse

516 Third Ave, Room E-327, Seattle, WA 98104

After issuing a hearing date, the date will be held for 2 business days for the requesting party to e-file the required Note, Motion and supporting documents through the Court's e-Filing / Case Access portal. Failure to timely file will result in the hearing being cancelled and the date released. Motions noted for a date NOT issued by the clerks will be rejected.

Note for Motion Forms

Confirmations, continuances, and strikes


The moving party is not required to confirm that a scheduled matter is proceeding to hearing. 


You may submit an Agreed Motion to Continue and Proposed Order ex parte via the e-filing/case access portal before the scheduled hearing date. Cases cannot be continued administratively by staff.


The moving party must advise the Court that the moving party is striking the hearing at least 1 business day before the scheduled hearing date. It is the moving party’s responsibility to properly serve and notify the other party or parties of the strike.

Ex Parte Motions

Ex Parte Motions include:

  • Dismissals
  • Motions for Default and Default Judgments
  • Writs of Garnishment
  • Judgments on Answer and Orders to Pay
  • Judgments for Costs
  • Other Miscellaneous Civil Motions

To e-file Ex Parte Motions visit the Court's e-filing / case access portal.


A $20.00 fee is required for each ex parte motion.


If an ex parte Motion is denied by a judicial officer and you wish to resubmit the motion, you MUST appear in person on the resubmission calendar.  Specific instructions are included in the Ex Parte Denial Order.

To request a date on the resubmission calendar, review the available dates on the calendars below, and email your request to the court clerks at: KCDC.resubmissions@kingcounty.govRequests MUST contain:

  • Names of the parties
  • Case number
  • Type of ex parte hearing requested
  • Requested date and time

The clerks will respond via email to confirm if your requested date and time are available.

Documents related to the ex parte denial order will NOT be accepted through the e-filing / case access portal. 

East Division - Redmond Courthouse

8601 160th Ave N.E., Redmond, WA 98052

South Division - Burien Courthouse

601 SW 149th St, Burien, WA 98166

West Division - Seattle Courthouse

516 Third Ave, Room E-327, Seattle, WA 98104

Appeal a Civil Case

Appeals from District Court are taken in King County Superior Court and the procedure is governed by the Appellate Rules for Appeal of Decisions of Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (RALJ).

An appeal must be filed within 30 days of the date of entry of the final decision for which you are seeking appellate review. Refer to our Appeal Instructions,

  • Serve a copy of the Notice on the other parties

    File affidavit of service in District Court.
  • Pay filing fee

    Provide to District Court a cashier’s check for $230, payable to the Clerk of the Superior Court. This is for the Superior Court filing fee, which District Court cannot waive.

  • Designate the record and pay processing fee

    Within 14 days of filing the Notice of Appeal, the Appellant must file with the District Court a Designation of Record to be Transmitted to Superior Court.

    A fee of $40.00 for all case types must be paid to the District Court for preparation of the record. Once the Designation of Record and payment are received, the District Court has 14 days to prepare the record and notify the parties the record is ready to be transmitted to Superior Court. 

    It is the Appellant’s responsibility to have the electronic recording of the proceeding transcribed and submitted directly to Superior Court.
